Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elijah Wood is Not in Free Willy

While riding the bus home today I saw a cute little gray squirrel.  And, being me, I immediately thought about how cool it would be if that squirrel was really a wizard teaching a younger wizard about magic.


Nothing says "Be my friend - I'm normal" like admitting that you think about life in terms of cartoons.

That's something that I'm really bad at by the way.  The whole, keeping my weird (awesome) personality in check around new people.  And it makes it sort of hard to find friends when you put all of your less socially accepted traits on the table.

Like "Oh hey, I talk about poop."  I've become known as someone who takes the joke one step past everyone else and into the uncomfortable zone.  I think part of it is because I'm nervous about people liking me so I tend to blather on about what I find funny.
News flash - what I find funny is only funny if you're anything like me.  And there are very few people like that.

So here's some go to topics not to mention when trying to fit in and get invited out to lunch with your new acquaintances:


-Comic books

-Apparently how awesome it is to build forts

-your social insecurities

-The conversation you had with your 12 year old sister about 'sexting'

-How much money you spent on video games and pizza vs. how much other people spend on trainers

One day, I'll find people in Chicago who are completely AWESOME.  Like myself.  (other than the few I do already know).  I guess I could add extreme modesty to a list of traits I don't possess.  Hmm.


  1. two things:

    talking about squirrel wizards, made me think of the cartoon Sword and the Stone movie, if you ever saw it, you may know why.

    also, of your things you shouldnt talk about with new people, i only agree with poop and your social insecurities. but maybe thats cuz we're too similar haha.

  2. Oh, I was totally talking about Sword in the Stone. haha
