Sunday, January 29, 2012

Homemade Sunday: Chicken and Dumplings

I know, talk about cutting a goal to the last minute.  I wanted to try a new recipe every month, and this month we made the executive decision to try making chicken and dumplings.  So, here we are, end of January, cooking up a storm.

I do feel good trying this recipe because it was so hands on.  I mean literally, hands on.  I had to mix my dough together with my bare hands.  And John was ripping apart the carcass of a chicken in a similar fashion.  Nothing says home cooking like tearing apart ingredients with your mitts.

And honestly, it was a pretty easy recipe to follow.  Maybe too easy.  There were like 6 ingredients total.  I think maybe we needed more guidance than that.  The broth itself definitely needed spices that were not listed.  And a non experienced baker, such as myself, needs more to go off than instinct.

But overall, I'd rate it a successful dish.  Perfect for the cold months since it was so meaty and thick.  ha. Meaty and thick.  But it wasn't without flaws.  I mean, look at the picture above, there should be more chicken.  And those dumplings need to be a lot smaller.  2"x2"? No way.  But they were definitely tasty.  So, we'll give it another go some time but make some definite changes.  Which is why I won't be sharing the recipe here.  It was definitely not the best choice.  Great dish, not great recipe.

We'll get better in February. :)

Just you wait.

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