Monday, February 6, 2012

The First of Many Sewing Projects

Well, I finally did it.  I used my sewing machine.
I've only had it for like...5 months now with it sitting in it's box.  I mean, first I was moving, so I didn't want to set it up and take it down.  Then we moved and I didn't know where to put it.  Then I realized that I needed more things in order to use it (thread, bobbins, pins, fabric).  So I put it off a while longer.
But now, I've actually done it.  I've stopped making excuses (by the way, yes, I'm aware that list up there was all excuses) and actually plugged the damn thing in.  The weekend of the Super Bowl, no less. 
I've had fabric aqnd pillow forms sitting around for like a month waiting for the motivation to strike.  When, finally, I realized the motivation was never going to strike.  If I didn't force myself to tackle this project, it was just never going to happen.  And I was sick of things never happening!
So, at like 3:00 on Sunday, I cleaned off the kitchen table and plugged everything in.  I then tried my hand at winding a bobbin.  The whole time, questioning why I needed to do so.  But I was successful in that endeavor.  And then the problems arose.  My instruction booklet was seriously lacking in photos and more in depth descriptions and I had no idea what the heck a bobbin access panel was. 
So I spent an hour cursing about how bad the directions were and wondering if I needed a bobbin if I had thread (the answer, of course, is yes).  I gave up at kickoff and didn't get remotivated until half time to start googling this damned panel.  After finding a youtube video, I learned that I had to remove this big thing in order to access the panel. Eureka!
So, after the game ended, I finished pinning up my first project (an envelope pillow case) and began sewing.  I can honestly say that the actual sewing aspect of sewing didn't take much time at all.  Granted, I paid no attention to settings or seam allowances but I was just determined to get the darn thing done.  And get it done, I did.  Just look at the photographic proof!
I immediately demanded that John stop shooting people on xbox and give me the attention and accolades that I deserved for creating something so beautiful.  He was impressed, though not quite as impressed as I was.  I think I'll make another pillow tonight!  (maybe)

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